Innovation is a buzz today - with fast paced change in technology & disruptions in business/operating frameworks, now endemic in the 4th industrial revolution.

Everything is changing - there’s lots of innovation that is on and it seems as though nothing is the same anymore…new products/versions are launched every few months (from years earlier)…and simply put innovation is the name of the game

Yes, innovation is important - but easier said than done - right?

Meanwhile thanks to digital world and a steady increase in customer expectations, particularly online, the customer experience is becoming very important. Customer experience management is often seen to be operations improvement, including making customer experience(CX) frictionless across all tough points including digital & all stages of the product lifecycle - for which getting customer feedback& measuring customer experience is key.

To improve & smoothly manage CX actual product & service delivery across various touch points and stages of customer journey & lifecycle are mapped & made frictionless and customer experience/satisfaction measured at various/all customer moments, to ensure its smooth consistently - possible only if there is a simple tech-cum-operations mechanism in place, to seek/capture feedback from customers & iron out fault lines.

Delivering a superior customer experience consistently, requires tremendous operating rigor entailing  integrating org structure, operations, people, processes and technology with product improvement, fulfilment & service channels, into a well-oiled smooth operation orchestrated around the customer - with a no siloes approach/metrics, which not just delivers a good customer experience consistently, but simultaneously  welcomes, solicits customer feedback/complaints, and leverages the same to continuously drive product, process improvements. 

So coming back to innovation - isn’t that about new technologies? Yes, new technologies do play a significant role, but how can we figure out which new technologies to adopt, and what changes to implement in the product, fulfilment, services & other support functions with the new technologies?

Tapping & mining customer feedback used for CX improvement, as mentioned, is critical to figure out what to improve i.e also provides answers on what to innovate, the technologies to deploy  and how to innovate. 

So CX management practices & operating disciplines are equally important for driving innovation - which is why we believe that CX management is today a strategic imperative for innovation & for organisations to thrive in the 4th industrial revolution.

Thoughts? do share/let us know your perspective.